Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tuesday is Weigh In Day

A big part of losing weight is accountability. It really is the Magic for me and because I need to be accountable I will continue to weigh in every Tuesday with my special WW Leader.

Today marked 20 pounds down since Easter. I am very pleased but not pleased enough to pretend that what I eat today doesn't count because I have already weighed in and eat the rest of the day like there is no tomorrow. So there.

Also Wii'd today. Did the body test, 2 minutes of balance exercises, 3 minutes of basic step aerobics, 5 minutes of advanced step aerobics and 30 minutes of free step aerobics. YEAH, me and Mii. Too fun.

Maybe with my step up in activity and continued good food choices, 2 more pounds of weight loss will show up by Saturday, July 4th which would meet my goal of 22 pounds off by the Fourth of July. If they don't show up that is okay too.

I'll get some riding in this weekend too. I am sure my horses are happy about the weight loss.

Next goal, 12 more pounds down by Labor Day and intensify activity level as my strength and endurance increase.

I CAN DO IT, I see it done every day by WW Members and Staff.

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