Tuesday, June 9, 2009


WAHOO! Down 1.6 and earned 14 Activity POINTS last week!

I am one of those people who MUST set myself up for success. It doesn't just happen.

Last evening, the dreaded evening before weigh in, I had a plan for dinner. I had made a roast on Sunday and there were lots of leftovers including cooked pinto beans (mashed like refried but no added fat, I cook them in chicken broth, they are delicious) and fresh salsa (from tomatoes I grew myself).

I get home a little before 6 PM and DH says he has a consult, close to our home, with a new client at 6 PM. I am welcome to come along.

I knew if I stayed at home I would EAT, EAT and EAT until he returned and then EAT dinner with him. I rode along. We got back home shortly after 7 PM and we had dinner. I ate sensibly and was very satisfied. Drank a COKE ZERO, my new fav and a couple of glasses of water. It is good to know your own boundaries.

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