Thursday, May 28, 2009


I've been dreading posting all week. Had a nice long weekend, little cold but when you live in the Phoenix valley you actually welcome being a little cold. Nice change of pace.

The dread is caused by the scale gods not being kind this week. I could feel it on Monday night that it wasn't going to be good. My calves felt tight and my feet were tight and I thought to myself it must be from the altitude (nearly 9000 feet). Tuesday about the same, drank quarts of water. Everyone knows the first thing the Leader says to the Member that has gained is, "did you drink your water?"

When I checked in with my Leader and told her the scale news, I said I was going to weigh again on Wednesday. She said, "wait till Thursday." Thank you for not asking if I drank my water. Thank you for trusting me. Thank you for the ten pound ribbon with the Bravo Star attached.

Thursday's scale is a little better.

June 1 is Monday. Remember I said I would start exercising by June 1. I received a Wii Fit for my birthday. I don't know if I am ready to create that little avatar that adjust its body size according to your weight when you step on the board. But I am getting ready, only a couple of more days to procrastinate.

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