Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Weigh in Day

YEAH! 17.6 pounds down since Easter. Will now lose 12 by July 4, maybe 13, then I will have 30 pounds off since Easter. Great plan.

Enormously busy week, lots of little ends to tie up and then my Mom calls and says one of my brothers surprised her by showing up on Sunday with his teenage daughter. They live in Montana and we don't see them too often. So I am doing the family dinner thing at my house tonight for everyone.

DH and I are also getting ready to go camping this weekend. DH would camp with a wool blanket and a flint but not me, I camp with all the necessities to make life nice something like a nomadic home. And I find it an opportunity to explore new recipes and foods. So fun to cook in my out door kitchen. By the time every one gets there we will be a group of 8 at least.

Lots of extra activity this weekend too, riding, hiking and exploring. I won't worry about the POINTS too much, just make moderate portion choices and hike more.

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