Thursday, May 14, 2009

Silver Linings

Hey, it's mid May and I made my "lose ten pounds by mid May" plan. Next step, lose 12 more by July 4. I feel very empowered. Of course a couple attendances at a good Weight Watchers meeting and a really special WW Leader friend who is keeping me extra accountable helped. Like I have always said, if I could lose weight by myself, I would have already done it.

Today being my birthday, I have had several calls, texts and emails from many I love and care for. It's especially nice to be remembered by those who really don't have to remember and take their time to do so.

Usually I give myself license to eat whatever I want on my birthday. After all, it wasn't eating on my birthday that made me fat. But I have a little thing going on in my mouth that makes eating nearly impossible and enjoying what I eat completely impossible. So no steak, with a salad with tomatoes and blue cheese and croutons and cake and ice cream and chocolate and some delicious adult beverage. Oh well.

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