Thursday, April 30, 2009

It's all about FOOD

So busy yesterday, many things to get done in many places. Got hungry stopped at a Walmart to find a salad or something, got back into the car and drank 18 ounces of V-8 juice.

It's funny how when I get my head into the right place I begin thinking healthy foods taste really good and are satisfying.

I bought the salad too and some of my new favorite COKE Zero. Still had another stop to make before getting back to the office. Ate three one POINT snack bars. The salad is safely waiting in the refrigerator for today's lunch.

I trimmed the filet of beef at home last evening and had grilled filets with salad for dinner. YUM. The salad had the first tomatoes picked from this year's tomato garden.

I like to garden but only grow tomatoes and herbs......

The scale peek today was GOOD.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Up .8, what does that mean? It means the Tuesday binge didn't work out. It means I need to eat a little less and move a little more. It means I need to be willing to wait and continue to work towards the weight loss success I truly desire.

My goal is 10 pounds off by my birthday. My birthday is in the middle of May so it is still a very reachable goal. My dream was to have a little more than 10 off (maybe 15) by my BD, maybe not so reachable.

Today is Tuesday and I have a dinner plan: small steak and salad. Yum. Lunch: Subway 6 inch grilled chicken with lots of veggies on whole wheat bread, POINTS value: 7. No Tuesday binge today.

Monday, April 27, 2009


Monday is always the best day to do anything. Everything and more can be accomplished on a Monday.

It is not officially scale day but a preliminary peek at the scale today wasn't good. I'll see what happens tomorrow on the real Scale Day.

Weekend was fabulous. Some riding, some gardening, some cooking. We had dinner on the patio on Saturday evening and I made oatmeal pancakes for brunch on Sunday after riding. I only ate two pancakes. That is excellent control.

Feel a little puffy, maybe that's my reason for the scale not giving me any good news at my preliminary peek. I'll drink a lot of water, eat lots of vegetables and be really careful about things with sugar in them today. That's always a good way to shed water weight.

I am thinking about buying a Wii Fit. Looks like fun and several people have told me how much they like it.

Friday, April 24, 2009

It's Friday

ahh, Friday.....You might think that means I sleep in on Saturday and Sunday, no I don't. But weekends are the time that I do things that make me unwind from the stresses of the week. Gardening, yard work, riding, horse stuff, vacuuming, dusting, play with the dogs, take a quick nap and try to catch up on "Make Me a Super Model" or "Millionaire Matchmaker." Too fun.

Tonight will be one of our new favorite fast meals, paninis. Lean ham, Swiss cheese, thinly sliced tomatoes, fresh basil on a small roll. Easy and delicious.

I will be getting up really early tomorrow. We have someplace to go and we are leaving at 5 AM. Should be home by late afternoon. Took some chicken breast and steaks out of the freezer and I'll stop for some fresh salad fixin's on the way home for tomorrow nights dinner.

Love to make a brunchy kind of breakfast on Sunday for family and friends. I may be the best pancake princess on this earth.

I bought strawberries last night that were so much better than the last box I had bought. Need to stop and buy some more. They would be lovely on Sunday morning.

We didn't have pizza last night even though Thursday evening is "pizza nite." We grilled burgers instead and I had a very lean burger open faced on a half of bun with LOTS of tomato, sweet onions and pickles. Very satisfying.

I am working myself up to starting a serious exercise program again too. I'll keep you updated.....

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

It must have been the 16 Cadbury Mini Eggs

OMG, it started at 2:30 in the afternoon yesterday and ended at 8 PM. I couldn't stop myself. Ate WAY TOO MUCH and have a stomach ache to prove it.

Next week on weigh in day, I will plan better and work really hard at keeping myself out of the "I have plenty of time to lose weight because weigh in isn't until next Tuesday" mode.

The fact is; I have NO more time to lose weight. When a person is over weight, every day at that state is a hindrance to their health and I am no exception. I am running out of my "get out of jail free cards" when it comes to managing my health.

DH and I went to a baseball game on Monday evening. I was so in control. No soda, no wine (yeah, they serve wine at the ballpark) no hot dogs and NO cotton candy. I had 2 bottles of water, 2 of DH's roasted peanuts (notice he eats typical ball park food) and one hamburger. Everything was good. We had a great time, the Diamondbacks won and I felt like a million bucks that day.

Yesterday, I weighed in had a great weight loss, ate a reasonable breakfast and late snack and then lost my sanity. Today, new day!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Day 9--Weigh In Day

It's just weird that I never learn to trust myself. Eating healthier, watching portions and counting POINTS means I will have a weight loss but I sneak up to the scale wondering if my body will deny me. I do not take shoes and jackets or sweaters off when I weigh. The number on the scale is not their fault. I am not saying I would never take them off, if I was close to a special number I would take them off but most weigh ins I just get on the scale.

I have to love Weight Watchers leaders. Their faith and optimism in the program is their saving grace. Gets me over a hump on a regular basis. Weighing in with someone standing in front of me ready to write the NUMBER burns it into my memory because someone else confirmed my NUMBER. I can't block it out and think to myself, "I deserve something to eat and the NUMBER should have been ________." The leaders acknowledgement of my efforts makes it all good.

Today's weigh in is no different, shoes and jacket on, get on the scale and DOWN. Down 6.4 pounds! YEAH me! I need a bravo sticker........

Monday, April 20, 2009

Day 8 on program, really doing pretty well. This week I have been successful at avoiding the all or nothing method. Portions count more than what the food item is. I can follow the Weight Watchers program using deprivation or I can follow the program using good judgement, better choices (most of the time) and smaller portions. Being satisfied with what I eat is more important than losing quickly. Tomorrow is weigh in day.