Monday, April 27, 2009


Monday is always the best day to do anything. Everything and more can be accomplished on a Monday.

It is not officially scale day but a preliminary peek at the scale today wasn't good. I'll see what happens tomorrow on the real Scale Day.

Weekend was fabulous. Some riding, some gardening, some cooking. We had dinner on the patio on Saturday evening and I made oatmeal pancakes for brunch on Sunday after riding. I only ate two pancakes. That is excellent control.

Feel a little puffy, maybe that's my reason for the scale not giving me any good news at my preliminary peek. I'll drink a lot of water, eat lots of vegetables and be really careful about things with sugar in them today. That's always a good way to shed water weight.

I am thinking about buying a Wii Fit. Looks like fun and several people have told me how much they like it.

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