Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Day 9--Weigh In Day

It's just weird that I never learn to trust myself. Eating healthier, watching portions and counting POINTS means I will have a weight loss but I sneak up to the scale wondering if my body will deny me. I do not take shoes and jackets or sweaters off when I weigh. The number on the scale is not their fault. I am not saying I would never take them off, if I was close to a special number I would take them off but most weigh ins I just get on the scale.

I have to love Weight Watchers leaders. Their faith and optimism in the program is their saving grace. Gets me over a hump on a regular basis. Weighing in with someone standing in front of me ready to write the NUMBER burns it into my memory because someone else confirmed my NUMBER. I can't block it out and think to myself, "I deserve something to eat and the NUMBER should have been ________." The leaders acknowledgement of my efforts makes it all good.

Today's weigh in is no different, shoes and jacket on, get on the scale and DOWN. Down 6.4 pounds! YEAH me! I need a bravo sticker........

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