Thursday, May 28, 2009


I've been dreading posting all week. Had a nice long weekend, little cold but when you live in the Phoenix valley you actually welcome being a little cold. Nice change of pace.

The dread is caused by the scale gods not being kind this week. I could feel it on Monday night that it wasn't going to be good. My calves felt tight and my feet were tight and I thought to myself it must be from the altitude (nearly 9000 feet). Tuesday about the same, drank quarts of water. Everyone knows the first thing the Leader says to the Member that has gained is, "did you drink your water?"

When I checked in with my Leader and told her the scale news, I said I was going to weigh again on Wednesday. She said, "wait till Thursday." Thank you for not asking if I drank my water. Thank you for trusting me. Thank you for the ten pound ribbon with the Bravo Star attached.

Thursday's scale is a little better.

June 1 is Monday. Remember I said I would start exercising by June 1. I received a Wii Fit for my birthday. I don't know if I am ready to create that little avatar that adjust its body size according to your weight when you step on the board. But I am getting ready, only a couple of more days to procrastinate.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Weigh in Day

YEAH! 17.6 pounds down since Easter. Will now lose 12 by July 4, maybe 13, then I will have 30 pounds off since Easter. Great plan.

Enormously busy week, lots of little ends to tie up and then my Mom calls and says one of my brothers surprised her by showing up on Sunday with his teenage daughter. They live in Montana and we don't see them too often. So I am doing the family dinner thing at my house tonight for everyone.

DH and I are also getting ready to go camping this weekend. DH would camp with a wool blanket and a flint but not me, I camp with all the necessities to make life nice something like a nomadic home. And I find it an opportunity to explore new recipes and foods. So fun to cook in my out door kitchen. By the time every one gets there we will be a group of 8 at least.

Lots of extra activity this weekend too, riding, hiking and exploring. I won't worry about the POINTS too much, just make moderate portion choices and hike more.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Silver Linings

Hey, it's mid May and I made my "lose ten pounds by mid May" plan. Next step, lose 12 more by July 4. I feel very empowered. Of course a couple attendances at a good Weight Watchers meeting and a really special WW Leader friend who is keeping me extra accountable helped. Like I have always said, if I could lose weight by myself, I would have already done it.

Today being my birthday, I have had several calls, texts and emails from many I love and care for. It's especially nice to be remembered by those who really don't have to remember and take their time to do so.

Usually I give myself license to eat whatever I want on my birthday. After all, it wasn't eating on my birthday that made me fat. But I have a little thing going on in my mouth that makes eating nearly impossible and enjoying what I eat completely impossible. So no steak, with a salad with tomatoes and blue cheese and croutons and cake and ice cream and chocolate and some delicious adult beverage. Oh well.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Goals can be powerful especially when shared with others. The little extra accountability goal sharing creates allows me to be more focused on the goal.

With my first goal of losing ten pounds by mid May close at hand and nearly achieved I am ready to set the next goal. I am going to lose 12 more pounds by July 4th. (That would be July 4, 2009.) I am also going to start exercising by June 1. My first step exercise goal will be 3 times per week, 30 minutes per day.

One of the Weight Watchers Leaders who I am quite friendly with is very proactive in setting goals for herself and her team. She sets out to out achieve her previous performance on a regular basis and takes great pleasure in making these goals.

I think I will take myself shopping for a goal reward next week.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Monday, Monday

Up early, to the office early, I love to be early.

Had my Mom, Grandmother and others over for brunch yesterday. We had a wonderful time celebrating belated birthdays and early Mother's Day. Each time I see my Grandmother, I wonder if this is the last time we will have time together. Not that she seems to be on death door or anything but at her age you never know. Maybe we should all live more like my Grandmother, she enjoys every day.

Doing well "on program." Of course, I wish it was coming off faster and I am pretty sure I could speed it up with stricter adherence to the plan but I am doing it with minimal suffering and just maybe that will be one of the special secrets for me this time.

I need to take two pounds off this week and two pounds off next week to meet my goal of 10 pounds off by mid May. I think I can, I think I can, I can, I can......