Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Time to Update

Weigh in went okay this week, took off last week's gain and one more.

Exercise is going well, I have to say I am pretty pleased with myself. I earned 26 AP's last week and have earned 6 for this week so far.

The story with exercise is the over estimation of activity and when coupled with the under estimation of food intake the scales just don't move as they could. I have been doing 35 or more minutes a day of moderate exercise. I added the Jillian Micheal Wii workout on Monday. It's good not great. It has increased my intensity which is important after three weeks of the Wii Fit, though I would still call the intensity "moderate."

The only extra activity I count for AP's beside exercise is the things I do not do daily, like mowing the lawn or painting (walls not canvas). I think the regular daily activity I do is counted into the daily POINTS target.

While the Momentum Plan is about 99.9% there, the Good Health Guidelines are are not being emphasised quite enough and a little extra emphasis on them by the WW Leader could help Members have more consistent weight losses.

Busy day, busy week, time to go....

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