Wednesday, July 22, 2009

It's all okay.

Down a pound and glad about it. Little voices inside my head say, "you know you can do this faster." Yes, I know I could do this faster but what if I do it this way and keep it off better?

Eating out didn't make me fat, cookies didn't make me fat, birthday cake didn't make me fat, not exercising didn't make me fat, pasta didn't make me fat. A combination of all these things and more on a daily basis DID make me FAT.

The intake of food is as much of a requirement for life as drinking water or breathing. But we don't very often "over" breathe, wish I could say the same thing about overeating.

There is controversy about the nation's new surgeon general's body size. Yes, she looks like she is over weight. Does that disqualify for the position of surgeon general? No. Does she have something to say about weight loss to the nation? Probably and with an insider's view. Now that is refreshing.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Time to Update

Weigh in went okay this week, took off last week's gain and one more.

Exercise is going well, I have to say I am pretty pleased with myself. I earned 26 AP's last week and have earned 6 for this week so far.

The story with exercise is the over estimation of activity and when coupled with the under estimation of food intake the scales just don't move as they could. I have been doing 35 or more minutes a day of moderate exercise. I added the Jillian Micheal Wii workout on Monday. It's good not great. It has increased my intensity which is important after three weeks of the Wii Fit, though I would still call the intensity "moderate."

The only extra activity I count for AP's beside exercise is the things I do not do daily, like mowing the lawn or painting (walls not canvas). I think the regular daily activity I do is counted into the daily POINTS target.

While the Momentum Plan is about 99.9% there, the Good Health Guidelines are are not being emphasised quite enough and a little extra emphasis on them by the WW Leader could help Members have more consistent weight losses.

Busy day, busy week, time to go....

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Tools of the Trade

Scales, love them and hate them. I love the scale when I am losing and hate the scale when I gain. Sometimes it is hard to remember the scale is just a tool of measuring. It is a tiny picture of this moment in my life.

Haven't you ever seen a photo of yourself and said, "that doesn't look like me." Well it was you at the moment the shutter opened and closed on that camera.

The scale is the same way, it is a measure of weight at that moment. Of course, I always want to see it going in the down direction but that is not what will happen every time I get on the scale. Knowing that is a level of weight loss maturity, meaning I can accept the moment at the scale and move in a positive forward motion from it even when the number is UP.

Remember upon reaching goal we need other ways of feeling good about the number the scale displays. The kudos for weight loss end and kudos for maintenance from outside sources quite down. We must find motivation for ourselves each month, week, day, hour and meal.