Tuesday, August 18, 2009

It's all part of the journey....

Amazing! I made the 25 pounds down mark yesterday. After a very lack luster July, August is SWEET.

I am not sure why it takes so much to get myself into the "weight loss" place. It's not because I don't want to lose. I always want to be fit and thin (sounds like a brand name for a dog food) but getting past the first 5 or 10 pounds and into it far enough to feel the difference is such a HUGE effort.

This time I have been working at making exercise fun and easily accessible. This time I am not making certain foods or beverages off limits until I get to goal. This time it doesn't matter how long it takes. I am not in a race just a journey.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

I Want it NOW

Instant gratification how wonderful and how awful. It is spoiling our world and makes our everyday lives easy. It applies to everything and all.

I want to be at goal now. My progress was very stagnant in July. Do I really believe nothing taste as good as thin (thinner) feels?

Instant gratification is part of the problem. Food can be quick as in fast food. Ordering at a drive up window is soooo anonymous. I can pretend I am ordering for a family of four, who all drink diet Coke, by the way.

The food can seem so in charge. The leftover something or other whispering from the trash can, "I landed in a clean spot."

Today is the "present" a gift of life and an opportunity to change it. Today is a great day to fill 50% of my plate with vegetables and fruits and smaller portions of protein and complex carbs.

I want it now. Don't we all?