Monday, March 28, 2011

Sometimes I Just Want to Say IT!

Even if, I'm the only one listening....... YEAH! I'm doing great right now. I have used the eTools tracker for 28 days. YES!!! Feeling pretty powerful. Weight loss is good and I have not been deprived of anything. There was a really old WW saying about "Guilt being fattening." I couldn't agree more. We had the perfect Arizona weather weekend, cool nights and just right days. I took advantage and we had three meals al fresco, I enjoyed making delicious food and drinks for friends and family. Now another busy week, yummy leftovers for dinner tonight. Maybe enough time to mow the yard tonight too. It's great getting activity PointsPlus values in and get a chore done too. DH and I are attending his neice's wedding the end of April, I will be close to my 10% weight loss by then. I think I finally trust myself, more about that another time.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Why not?

Jennifer Hudson said it in a recent interview about her weight loss, "Weight Watchers is for normal people." She was saying it fit into the average person's lifestyle. You can have your cake and eat it too.

Dieting is drudgery because we choose it to be. Dieting doesn't mean waiting until I'm at goal to celebrate life even when celebrating life includes food and drink.

Something delicious is always around the corner. How I handle it is completely up to me.

Monday, February 15, 2010


I was having a conversation with the thin lipped civilian (read the Jean Nidetch Story) and he asked, "How was it that your children grew up thin?" I said, "I fed them right and good genetics, I wasn't overweight as a child."

He said, "really, what happened?"

Here's the explanation:

Food is my drug of choice.

The truth is I don't know the whys.

Why do I eat to celebrate life but eat faster and more than every one else at the party?

Why do I eat to calm myself from stress, anger or anything else that needs calming?

Why even when I want to be thin very, very much do I eat until it physically hurts?

Why is it hard to connect to two good days on program?

I would love to be a Member again, just sitting there and soaking in everything that is going on in the WW meeting. Where the Leader wouldn't look at me like she thinks I am criticising the meeting and the receptionists don't ask me questions about how to do something or request I assist another Member in a particular way.

I know all I need to know but the value of the accountability and community in the meeting is elusive to me.

Oh, to be a brand new Member again.

And then there is the fear: Do I truly trust the "thin" me?

to be continued.........

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sometimes it's a Struggle

Scale days have been rough recently but still trudging forward.

I made cucumber lemonade today and brought it to work. I thought it was too exotic for some of my co-workers but they liked it. Think light green refreshing slightly sweet lemonade with a fairly intense cucumber flavor. I love it. I had it at a local restaurant and decided I would try creating it at home. I sweeten it with Splenda so it has a POINTS value of 0!!!

I have decided that one of the main qualities of the really good WW Leaders is the sincere excitement they have for another person's success. This separates the good from the great. Those who have it make magic happen in their meetings. Those who don't are sufficient.

But who wants to be sufficient???

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

It's all part of the journey....

Amazing! I made the 25 pounds down mark yesterday. After a very lack luster July, August is SWEET.

I am not sure why it takes so much to get myself into the "weight loss" place. It's not because I don't want to lose. I always want to be fit and thin (sounds like a brand name for a dog food) but getting past the first 5 or 10 pounds and into it far enough to feel the difference is such a HUGE effort.

This time I have been working at making exercise fun and easily accessible. This time I am not making certain foods or beverages off limits until I get to goal. This time it doesn't matter how long it takes. I am not in a race just a journey.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

I Want it NOW

Instant gratification how wonderful and how awful. It is spoiling our world and makes our everyday lives easy. It applies to everything and all.

I want to be at goal now. My progress was very stagnant in July. Do I really believe nothing taste as good as thin (thinner) feels?

Instant gratification is part of the problem. Food can be quick as in fast food. Ordering at a drive up window is soooo anonymous. I can pretend I am ordering for a family of four, who all drink diet Coke, by the way.

The food can seem so in charge. The leftover something or other whispering from the trash can, "I landed in a clean spot."

Today is the "present" a gift of life and an opportunity to change it. Today is a great day to fill 50% of my plate with vegetables and fruits and smaller portions of protein and complex carbs.

I want it now. Don't we all?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

It's all okay.

Down a pound and glad about it. Little voices inside my head say, "you know you can do this faster." Yes, I know I could do this faster but what if I do it this way and keep it off better?

Eating out didn't make me fat, cookies didn't make me fat, birthday cake didn't make me fat, not exercising didn't make me fat, pasta didn't make me fat. A combination of all these things and more on a daily basis DID make me FAT.

The intake of food is as much of a requirement for life as drinking water or breathing. But we don't very often "over" breathe, wish I could say the same thing about overeating.

There is controversy about the nation's new surgeon general's body size. Yes, she looks like she is over weight. Does that disqualify for the position of surgeon general? No. Does she have something to say about weight loss to the nation? Probably and with an insider's view. Now that is refreshing.